Super Star Student


Super Star Student

Rocky River Schools

All materials- questionnaire, pictures, complement letter, surprise bag, and favorite book- must be turned in on MONDAY of the student's Super Star week. All paper documents are included within the super star student folder for you and your child to fill out.


Bring in photos(5-8 including 1 baby photo) and questionnaire.

Students guess who the super star student is based on the baby picture.

The Super Star Student will introduce themselves to the class using the questionnaire.


Complement Letter from the parent is read to the class.


Surprise Bag- Place a mystery item in a brown paper bag and bring it to school sealed. Have the student write down 3 clues to share with the class and we will see if the class can guess the item.


Students write a friendly letter to the Super Star Student.


Student’s favorite book is read to the class by the teacher.

***If you do not own your child’s favorite book, please send me an email at [email protected] or leave me a message on my school phone (440-356-6720)and I will gather a copy of the book for your student***

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